October 9, 2009

not so normal Friday

1234Normally on Fridays I go to class then go to work then home. Not so today. (insert sigh here)
1234Today is going to be significantly different. I am going to class, then a doctor's appointment then work then a school sponsored "how to meet and greet with legal professionals" and reception. This means that I have to wear something that is comfortable, will look great *all* day long and count as business professional. Also, its cold in the morning and will get warm during the afternoon. So my options for today are a skirt suit, a dress + blazer, a pant suit or pants and a different colored blazer. So what's a girl to do? I tried on every pants + jacket combination I could think of last night and ended up wearing a pair of black pants (that are *somehow* too big), a dark turquoise 3/4 sleeve button down shirt and a gray blazer for later. And I am also fully makeup-ed out. Unfortunately, I didn't have a chance to fix my hair so its all flat and not nearly as pretty as I would have liked. Overall though, I feel professional and put together. Hopefully I'll feel the same way all day long.

P.S. I took these pics in my classroom right before class started hence the awful lighting.

I really wanted to explain why I chose the turquoise shirt instead of a plain white shirt and completely forgot to above. After my discussion last week starting with this post about color, it occurred to me that if I wanted to feel like a cookie cutter law student, I could wear white. However, I'm just not that girl. So instead:
  1. I'm not wearing a full suit
  2. I'm wearing a turquoise shirt instead of a white one
  3. I'm wearing red/brown shoes instead of black shoes
  4. I'm wearing my non-traditional pearl earrings found here
  5. Oh and my necklace matches my shoes.
That's it for now. Hopefully I'll remember to take and post a pic of the whole outfit tonight.

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