October 29, 2010

Around town

    I've had both of these outfit pictures for a while.  They're of what I wear whenever the Fiance and I go to town and run errands or go out to eat.  You've seen this purple dress before many times.  It's one of my favorites as its flattering and purple.  Why purple?  Well, even though blue is my favorite color, I've taken a liking to purple.  It's such a pretty color and its almost an unexpected color for a dress that I can wear many different ways.  
    This wear, in particular, was when The Fiance's parents came to visit our house for the first time since they helped us move.  (They were impressed by how quickly we got rid of most of the boxes.)  They also took us out to dinner.  Unfortunately, it was a rainy day so I grabbed a pair of close toed flats since I didn't want to get my toes or other nice shoes wet. 
The Details:
Dress: Target
Belt: Old navy
Tank: Old Navy
Necklace: Tio Gordo
Flats: Puma 

    This second outfit garnered a reaction from the Fiance.  He inquired as to whether I was trying to go back to the 80's.  Since I was born in the 80's and only have movies to tell me what people wore then, I told him that what I was wearing was very much in style and he should just be nice.  
    If you've been around the blog long enough, you'll remember that I made this skirt out of a pair of jeans.   For whatever reason, I really wanted to wear a pair of tights with it and opted for these footless tights so that I could wear these flats while out running errands.  (Sorry for the bad pic, the t-shirt is actually a dark purple).

The Details:   
T-Shirt: Old Navy
Skirt: Me
Tights: Hue (I think)
Flats: Target

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