December 28, 2009

Year-end Musings

    Given that 2009 ends this week and that I've been thinking a lot many things that have happened this year, I'm going to share with you all a little of what has happened in the Law School Fashionista household.  Since I'm a list maker by nature, I'll make it into a list.  

1. Chest Pain.  LOTS of Chest Pain.  I started 2009 hoping that my chest pain would just go away, but alas! it would not be so.  The pain returned, went away, and returned again.  Its now winding down some, but the pain itself wasn't the only bad part.  I also had to deal with the possibility that I might have had rheumatoid arthritis and all of the emotional turmoil that comes with the possibility of being diagnosed with an auto-immune disease.
2. Engagement!  The Fiance and I got engaged in August on the beach while in Puerto Rico.  It was beautiful and perfect and unexpected.  As you can tell from the picture, I was sweaty and gross and crazy happy and in love.  Our week in Puerto Rico might possibly be the highlight of my year.  With the engagement and being able to relax and just enjoy The Fiance's company while on a beautiful beach, it was just heaven. 
3. Bra Fitting.  Mid-September I went into Belk and had my boob life changed forever.  I was measured and put in a bra that actually fit!  Turns out I was wearing a bra that was about 3 sizes too small.  Its pretty great what a good actually fitting bra can do for your wardrobe and your outlook on life. 
4. The Blog.  I started this blog towards the end of September.  I wasn't sure I would keep with it, but like I explained here, writing a fashion blog has definitely changed my outlook on myself, my clothes and my style.  I'm very happy with my blog and hope that it continues to grow and make me happy.
5. The Puppy!  We got the puppy in early October and I immediately fell in love with her.  I imagine its the closest I'll get to falling in love with your child after birth until I actually give birth.  Except of course my baby is furry, can't talk, and will be under 2 ft tall forever. :)
6. Last Year!  In August I started my last year of law school.  This has been both exciting and terrifying.  Unfortunately the job market isn't so great, so rather than looking forward to being done with school, graduating, passing the bar and making money, I'm looking at a big black hole of uncertainty after I take the bar in late July.  I hope that I'll be to find a good job as an attorney sometime soon so that we can plan our life, but for now I'm trying to stay positive without worrying too much about what happens after the bar.

Overall, I've been pretty happy with 2009.  It has had its ups and downs, but I try to remember the best moments rather than dwell on the others.   What have been your big events of 2009?  Are you happy that 2010 is coming so soon so you can have a clean break?

P.S. Come back later this week for my hopes for 2010. 


Raquelita said...

I don't like to read that you've been having chest pains. Stay well, hon!

You have had quite the year!

A-C said...

Yea---my chest pain sucks. But I've been dealing with it now for almost 2 yrs. Honestly I'm just glad I'm not taking strong pain meds anymore. Those made it really hard to do anything other than just sit in a couch all day or sleep.

I'm definitely looking forward to 2010!

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